Mayor Kip Holden announced One Baton Rouge Month (May) April 17th at 11 AM behind the Governmental Building on the Plaza. Several hundred religious, civic and business leaders were on hand for the announcement, where Mayor Holden called for the citizens of Baton Rouge to come together in a spirit of community and cooperation to welcome new peoples and businesses into the area.
Citing the film industry as one example, Mayor Holden reminded the gathering that 90% of corporate businesses on the Fortune 500 have adopted total non-discrimination employment practices, and their people expect no less of any community they settle in.

One Baton Rouge means the acceptance and integration of people of all color, religions, sexual orientations, nationalities and people of all walks of life into every aspect of Baton Rouge community life so that we all will be enriched by each other.

One event planned for May by the One Baton Rouge committee is THE HUMAN RACE (a walk!)
Thanks to all who joined us for this momentous occasion, as we start a new outlook for our great city. |
A Month for “One Baton Rouge ”
Press Release
The One Baton Rouge Committee, a volunteer group of individuals from Baton Rouge ’s civic, religious, educational, business and social organizations has announced plans for “One Baton Rouge Month”.
Mayor Melvin “Kip” Holden designated May as One Baton Rouge Month at the urging of the committee (video), saying, “The objective of setting the month of May was to allow our city to focus on two key values, those being unity and diversity. If we want Baton Rouge to be a great city, then we want every individual person who is part of our city to be welcomed and at all times to be treated with dignity and respect.” The objective of the One Baton Rouge Committee is to help transform Baton Rouge into a city recognized for embracing the uniqueness and value of all of its people.
According to the OBR Committee, “May marks the launching of a whole new spirit of “one-ness” in business and play for our city. We hope this will continue through the months and years ahead”. People from more than fifty countries currently call Baton Rouge home, and consist of every color, religion, sexual orientation, education, nationality, physical ability, political ideal and station in life.
The One Baton Rouge Committee has established a speakers bureau that is asking religious, civic and business organizations in East Baton Rouge Parish to invite an OBR guest speaker to talk about the Committee and their personal experiences and thoughts on “one-ness”.
The OBR Committee web site, www.OneBatonRouge.com, contains additional information about One Baton Rouge month including details on how to join “The Human Race”, a walk scheduled for Saturday May 19th. It starts at the Lod Cook Center on the LSU campus beginning at 9:00 AM. There is no fee for participation.
Other One Baton Rouge plans include parish-wide billboards, public service announcements on radio and TV, and programs for schools, all to promote a better understanding of the value of having One Baton Rouge for its greatest asset – its people. |

Provided web, graphics, and film services for OneBatonRouge and The Human Race, including this site.
Think differently about diversity!